Original National Drivers N 11 jersey worn by Michael Shumacher in the heart match of Cittadella (VI) on 21.11.2010 with original autograph.
National Pilots Source
A great Schumacher gives the Nazionale Piloti a nice draw in his last game this season: alloPier Cesare Tombolato StadiumfromCitadel(Padua) in fact the team led byRiccardo Patreseand fromMichael Schumacherdrew for2-2against the team ofLions Team. A deserved result after all (the Nazionale Piloti had more opportunities to go on the net especially in the second half) after a very difficult match due to the persistent rain and wind.
National Pilots VS Lions Team
Sunday 21 November 2010, 3.00 pm
Pier Cesare Tombolato Stadium (Cittadella)
Final result: 2 - 2
National Pilots and Lions Team beat the rain and win in solidarity.